The Group

   Teatro Salvaje is a group of experiemental theatre formed by Lucas Capurro who directs the group since September 11th , 2006. This is an independent group of theatrical experimentation. In which its members maximise the abilities that an actor/actriz must have through the regular training of those psicophysical and vocal abilities that Will directly impact into his scenic presence
   In addition to the training, the group develops its scenic material working with phisical actions . These phisical actions pave the way to the creation of a scenic score really precise and overwhelming that allows the actor to stop interpretation of the others’ ideas and to became a creator with his own actions and motivations in order to develop any scenic overture.
   The scenic materials and phisical actions created by each member of the group are used later on in different montages that Will become original shows. Lucas Capurro directs all the montages of the group: Amor (2007), La danza de las cenizas (2009), Mis hijos eran mis relatos (2012), La casa oscura (2015), Cuentos Argentinos (2016) y Hasta el fin del mundo: Teatro (2018).
   Besides, Teatro Salvaje develops a pedagogical proposal for the community giving intensive seminars and whole year courses. In the seminars as well as in the courses, the main focus is in the importance of the actoral training.


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